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Authentic Connection – Part 1

Authentic Connection – Part 1

Photo: Burial stones 24.4.2014 Authentic Connection - Part One. Connection is a big word –…

Photo: Burial stones 24.4.2014 Authentic Connection - Part One. Connection is a big word – It’s a bit like Ride in that it has multiple meanings and applications. In many of the stories in Ride- the book, connection is a central theme. In these four Authentic Connection blogs I am going to explore more about the nature of connection. I am hoping that maybe the blogs will get people thinking about - What we chose to connect to Who we…

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Photo: Steve, January 2013 Spoiler alert - If you haven’t read Ride yet, then maybe…

Photo: Steve, January 2013 Spoiler alert - If you haven’t read Ride yet, then maybe leave reading this blog until you have. I did consider that a few people would ask me what happened to Steve once they had read Ride. Recent events have encouraged me to answer this question sooner than later. Just before the publication of Ride I got word that Steve had died. I was devastated, lots of tears. Last minute before printing, I chose to include…

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The ‘working’ title for Ride

The ‘working’ title for Ride
Photo: Light coming through Dylans tree (24/4/2016) When I was writing, the ‘working’ title for…
Photo: Light coming through Dylans tree (24/4/2016)
When I was writing, the ‘working’ title for Ride was ‘Life after Suicide’ - meaning my life and Dylan’s life after his departure. It became pretty obvious that the word suicide wasn’t necessary in the title and that the writing was so much more than ‘just about suicide’. I cannot even tell you when Ride became the title – it just seemed to arrive in my mind and when I considered it I could see the value of it and the multiple level meanings it had within it.
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The synopsis of Ride

The synopsis of Ride
Photo: Tutaki in flood on 14.10.2013 When it came to write the synopsis for the…
Photo: Tutaki in flood on 14.10.2013
When it came to write the synopsis for the book I thought – ‘What the fuck is this book about!’. I knew it was my story and my Ride but I really didn’t know what it was actually ‘saying’. The synopsis that I have written is what the book is about to me however I have a feeling that it is going to mean different things to different folks.
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Writing Ride – the back story…

Writing Ride – the back story…
Photo: Gus's ashes. Ride is a book that has come about because an internal nagging…
Photo: Gus's ashes.
Ride is a book that has come about because an internal nagging wouldn’t go away. I tried to ignore the nagging and decide it was born from an impractical unachievable dream that was irrelevant in my new reality. It wouldn’t go away so - In the end I surrendered and ‘put aside’ 9 months in 2017 to write - just to see what happened. I had written short notes over the previous years – of key words, and sometimes I used them as starting points. Sometimes I sat at my computer and the words would just flow from my fingers.
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